Circuit simulation

The simulator computes block outputs when any of the inputs changes, dispatches events and detects errors.

The main object is a Circuit instance representing the current circuit.

A new circuit is empty. Circuit blocks and their interconnections must be created before the circuit simulation.

The simulation itself is executed by an asynchronous coroutine. The circuit is operational while the coroutine is running.

When the simulation terminates, the final state is reached. A restart is not possible.

Applications are supposed to build and simulate only one circuit.

class edzed.simulator.Circuit

The circuit class. It registers individual blocks as circuit members and can run a simulation when the circuit is completed.

The Circuit class should not to be instantiated directly; always call get_circuit(). The class is not even exported to edzed’s API (there is no edzed.Circuit).

edzed.get_circuit() Circuit

Return the current circuit. Create one if it does not exist.

See also


Pre-start preparations

A circuit

Of course, a valid circuit (i.e. set of interconnected blocks) is needed.

The completed circuit may be explicitly finalized.

Circuit.finalize() None

Finalize the current circuit and disallow any later modifications.

Process and validate interconnection data (see CBlock.connect()):

  • resolve temporary references by name

  • create Not blocks for "_not_NAME" shortcuts

and initialize related attributes:

This method is called automatically at the simulation start. An explicit call is only necessary if access to the interconnection data listed above is required before the simulation start.

This action cannot be undone.

Circuit.is_finalized() bool

Return True only if finalize() has been called successfully.

Storage for persistent state

Skip this step if this feature is not required.

Circuit.set_persistent_data(persistent_dict: MutableMapping[str, Any] | None) None

Setup the persistent state data storage.

The argument should be a dictionary-like object backed by a disk file or similar persistent storage. It may be also None to leave the feature disabled.

The Python standard library offers the shelve module and the corresponding documentation mentions another helpful recipe.

The persistent data storage must be set before the simulation starts.

The persistent_dict must be ready to use. If it needs to be closed after use, the application is responsible for that. The cleanup could be performed automatically with atexit.

Starting a simulation

There are two equally valid entry points. Recommended is the higher-level, but some applications might prefer the lower-level Circuit.run_forever().

async*coroutines: Coroutine, catch_sigterm: bool = True) None

The main entry point. Run the Circuit.run_forever() (documented below) and all supporting coroutines as separate tasks. If any of them exits, cancel and await all remaining tasks.

A supporting coroutine is any coroutine intended to run concurrently with the simulator, mainly an interface, i.e. a coroutine listening for external events or requests, monitoring the circuit or controlling the simulator. The CLI demo tool is an example of a supporting coroutine.

Unless catch_sigterm is false, a signal handler that cancels the simulation upon SIGTERM delivery will be temporarily installed during the simulation. This allows for a graceful exit. Note that the run() will return normally in this case.

Normally return None (in contrast to Circuit.run_forever()), but raise an exception if any of the tasks exits due to an exception other than the asyncio.CancelledError. In detail, if the simulation task raises, re-raise the exception. If any of the supporting tasks raises, raise RuntimeError.

Changed in version 23.8.25: The supporting tasks are started after the simulator. An interface may assume the simulator has reached the point since which it can accept events.

async Circuit.run_forever() NoReturn

Lower-level entry point. Run the circuit simulation in an infinite loop, i.e. until cancelled or until an exception is raised. Note that technically a cancellation is a raised exception as well.

The asyncio task that runs run_forever is called a simulation task.

When started, the coroutine follows these instructions:

  1. Finalize the circuit with finalize(). No changes are possible after this point.

  2. Make the circuit ready to accept external events. is_ready() can be used to check if this state was reached.

  3. Initialize all blocks. Asynchronous block initialization routines (if any) are invoked concurrently. After the initialization all blocks have a valid output, i.e any value except UNDEF. If you need to synchronize with this stage, use wait_init().

  4. Run the circuit simulation in an infinite loop.

  5. If an exception (a cancellation or an error) is caught, do a cleanup and finally re-raise the exception. This means run_forever() never exits normally. See also the next section about the simulation stop.


When run_forever() terminates, it cannot be invoked again.

Synchronizing with the circuit start stages

Circuit.is_ready() bool

Return True only if the circuit is ready to accept external events.


Application code rarely needs to call is_ready() because ExtEvent.send() does the checking.

The is_ready() value changes from False to True immediately after the simulation start. At this moment the circuit is finalized, but the simulation can be still in the initializing phase. The is_ready() value reverts to False when the simulation stops.

Because a started circuit is immediately ready, no special synchronization is required, but remember that asyncio.create_task() does not start the new task:

circuit = edzed.get_circuit()
# the task is created, but not started yet (the circuit is NOT ready yet)
# asyncio.sleep suspends the current task, allowing other tasks to run
await asyncio.sleep(0)
# OK, the circuit can now receive events (is ready now)
async Circuit.wait_init() None

Wait until a running circuit is fully initialized.

The simulation task must be started or at least created.

wait_init() returns when all blocks are initialized and the simulation is running. If this state is not reachable (e.g. the simulation task has finished already), wait_init() raises an EdzedInvalidState error.

Stopping the simulation

A running simulation can be stopped only by cancellation of the simulation task, i.e. the task that runs Circuit.run_forever().

  1. Based on the circuit activity:

Program the circuit to send a 'shutdown' event to the simulator control block when a condition is met.

  1. From the application code:

It is assumed that the function wanting to stop the simulation is running inside a supporting coroutine started with run() as this is the intended way to run any code controlling the simulation. There are two options:

  • either await Circuit.shutdown()

  • or simply terminate the own supporting task, run() will detect it. The simulation is cancelled when any of the supporting tasks terminates.

  1. From another process:

By default, sending a SIGTERM signal will stop the simulation with a proper cleanup, of course only if it is running.

The corresponding signal handler is installed when run() is started.

async Circuit.shutdown() None

If the simulation task is running, cancel the task and wait until it finishes. The wait could take time up to the largest of all stop_timeout values (plus some small overhead).

Return normally when the task was cancelled. Otherwise the exception that stopped the simulation is raised.

It is an error to await shutdown():

  • if the simulation task was not started

  • from within the simulation task itself

Circuit.error: BaseException | None

The exception that stopped the simulation or None if the simulation wasn’t stopped yet. This is a read-only attribute.



Python logging is a complex topic. You may need a more sophisticated setup than the basic example shown here.

All logging is done to a logger named after the package, i.e. 'edzed'.

If you don’t do anything, Python will setup a handler printing messages with level (severity) logging.WARNING or higher to the standard output. Messages with logging.DEBUG and logging.INFO levels won’t be printed be default. To enable them:

import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)   # enable level DEBUG and higher (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, ...)

Simulator debug messages

Circuit.debug: bool = False

Boolean flag, allow the simulator to log debugging messages:

edzed.get_circuit().debug = True # or False

The circuit simulator’s debug output is logged with the logging.DEBUG level. Don’t forget to enable this level.

Circuit block debug messages

Debugging messages for individual blocks are enabled by setting the corresponding flag Block.debug.

Block debugging messages are emitted with logging.DEBUG level. Don’t forget to enable this level.

For a single block just do:

blk.debug = True # or False

For multiple blocks there is a tool:

Circuit.set_debug(value: bool, *args: str | Block | type[Block | Addon]) int

Set the debug flag to given value (True or False) for selected blocks.

Pass one or more arguments to make a selection:

  • block name

  • Unix-style wildcard with '*', '?', '[abc]' to match multiple block names. For details refer to the fnmatch module.

  • block object

  • block class (e.g. FSM) to select all blocks of given type (the given class and its subclasses)

Number of distinct blocks processed is returned.

Example: debug all blocks except Inputs:

circuit = edzed.get_circuit()
circuit.set_debug(True, '*')    # or: set_debug(True, edzed.Block)
circuit.set_debug(False, edzed.Input)

Multiple circuits

edzed was deliberately designed to support only one active circuit at a time.

There cannot be multiple circuit simulations in parallel, but it is possible to remove the current circuit and start over with building of a new one. We use this feature in unit tests.

edzed.reset_circuit() None

Clear the circuit and create a new one.

It is recommended to shut down the simulation first, because reset_circuit aborts a running simulation and in such case the simulation tasks should be awaited to ensure a proper cleanup as explained in the previous section.


A process restart is preferred over the circuit reset. A new process guarantees a clear state.

A reset relies on the quality of cleanup routines. It cannot fully guarantee that the previous circuit has closed all files, cancelled all tasks, etc.