Finite-State Machines

A Finite-State Machine (FSM) is a special kind of sequential blocks. Due to its versatility and also its complexity it deserves a separate chapter.

A basic understanding of the Finite-State Machine concept is helpful.

With some simplification, a Finite-State Machine is defined by:

  • set of possible states, one of them being the initial state

  • set of events it can process; events trigger transitions from one state to another

  • a control table called a transition table

An FSM block implements several additional features:

  • persistent state

  • timed events

  • event conditions

  • entry and exit actions

  • generated events


Every sequential block (SBlock) has its internal state and can process events. An FSM also defines states and events. Their relationship is:

  • FSM state is a part of SBlock’s internal state.

  • all events are delivered using the SBlock.event() method as in any other sequential block. Usually all events are processed by the FSM code, i.e. they are FSM events, but please note that it is possible to add non-FSM events to be processed by the underlying SBlock and bypassing the FSM. See SBlock._event_ETYPE().

In this chapter by ‘state’ and ‘event’ we usually mean an FSM state and an FSM event respectively.

FSM example

Let’s start with a simple example:

class Turnstile(edzed.FSM):
    STATES = ['locked', 'unlocked']
    EVENTS = [
        ['coin', ['locked'], 'unlocked'],
        ['push', ['unlocked'], 'locked'],

t1 = Turnstile('t1', comment="example turnstile #1")
t2 = Turnstile('t2', comment="example turnstile #2")

We have defined a new FSM and created two circuit blocks.

The Turnstile has two states: ‘locked’ and ‘unlocked’, the first one is the initial state by default.

It accepts two events: ‘coin’ and ‘push’.

When the event ‘coin’ occurs in the ‘locked’ state, the FSM makes a transition to the ‘unlocked’ state.

When the event ‘push’ occurs in the ‘unlocked’ state, the FSM makes a transition to the ‘locked’ state.

There are no other state transitions defined. For example, when the turnstile is ‘unlocked’, the ‘coin’ event will have no effect. We may say that an event is not accepted, not allowed, or even rejected in certain state, but it’s a normal FSM operation - not an error.

Creating FSMs types

A new FSM is created by subclassing the base class. Instances of the subclass will be circuit blocks.

class edzed.FSM

Base class for creating FSMs.

Subclasses are supposed to define these class attributes:

All three are empty by default.

A subclass may also define:

States, events, transitions

An FSM has a current state. A transition from the current state to the next state is triggered by a received event. The next state is determined by a transition table lookup:

(current state, event) –> next state

All states and regular events are represented by a name (string). Avoid any special characters in names, because function names are derived from them. States and events form two separate namespaces, but using the same name for both is discouraged.

The FSM.event() method returns True for accepted FSM events and False for rejected FSM events.

FSM.STATES: Sequence[str]

Class attribute.

A sequence of valid states. Timed states from FSM.TIMERS are appended automatically, but may be listed here, because duplicates do not matter. The very first item in the resulting list is the default initial state.

FSM.EVENTS: Sequence[Sequence]

Class attribute.

The transition table as a sequence of transition rules. Each rule in the sequence has three items:

(event: str, states: str|Sequence[str]|None, next_state: str|None)

states (item 2) define in which states will the event (item 1) trigger a transition to the next_state (item 3). The order of rules does not matter, but the transition table must be deterministic. Only one next state may be defined for any combination of event and state.

Data format of a table entry in detail:

  • event is always a string, the name of an event. Only events found in the EVENTS table are valid events for the given FSM.

  • states must be one of:

    • a string containing one or more states. Multiple states must be separated by '|' (vertical bar); whitespace may be added for readability.

    • a sequence of states (strings)

    • None as a special value for any state. An entry with None has lower precedence than an entry with explicitly listed states.

    New in version 23.2.14: Added the “union” syntax: 'state1 | state2 | ...'

  • next_state must be:

    • a single state (string), or

    • None to make a transition explicitly disallowed.

Examples of EVENTS entries:

('start', ['on', 'off'], 'on'),

#1B - same as 1A, alternative notation
('start', 'on | off', 'on'),

#2 - same as above if there exist only the 'on' and 'off states
('start', None, 'on'),

('push', ['unlocked'], 'locked'),

#3B - same as 3A, alternative notation
('push', 'unlocked', 'locked'),

["ev1", None, "state2"],        # default rule for "ev1" and all states except
                                # more specific rules for state2 and state3 below
["ev1", ["state2"], "state3"],  # rule for state2 -> state3
["ev1", ["state3"], None],      # ev1 is ignored in state3
FSM.TIMERS: Mapping[str, Sequence]

Class attribute.

Specification of optional timers attached to selected states. A state with a timer is called “timed state”. Apart from the timer are timed states not different from other states and they automatically belong to the list of states FSM.STATES.

Data format:

dictionary of {timed_state: (default_duration, timed_event)}

A timer is set when the timed_state is entered. When the timer expires, the timed_event is generated. If the state is exited before the timer expiration, the timer is cancelled. This means that a transition from a timed state to the same state restarts the timer. If this is undesirable, disallow the transition.

If the timed_event gets rejected, the block stays in timed_state without a timer.

See also: Goto special event.

If the duration is 0.0, the timed_event is generated immediately.

If the duration is INF_TIME (infinite time to expiration), the timer won’t be set at all.

Instances can modify the default duration with t_STATE=value keyword argument.

The duration can be dynamically overridden with a 'duration': value data item passed with the event responsible for entering the timed state. This value has the highest precedence.

The timer duration may be given as:
  • number of seconds (int, float), negative values are replaced with 0.0

  • a string with time units


  • None, i.e. the duration is not set here and must be obtained from other source


Equals to float('+Inf') constant. This is a timer duration that disables a timer so it never expires.

Goto special event

class edzed.Goto(state)

A Goto('state') event causes a direct and unconditional transition to the given state. The transition table lookup is bypassed.

Its primary purpose is to simplify the definition of timed states.

A timed state ends with a timed event. In most cases all we need is a transition to another state. For example:

# without Goto
class Hertz1(edzed.FSM):
    EVENTS = [
        ['goto_on',  None, 'on'],
        ['goto_off', None, 'off']
    TIMERS = {
      'on': (0.5, 'goto_off'),
      'off': (0.5, 'goto_on'),

With Goto we can write the same FSM as:

class Hertz1(edzed.FSM):
    TIMERS = {
        'on': (0.5, edzed.Goto('off'),
        'off': (0.5, edzed.Goto('on'),


We have shown that using the Goto special event is similar to adding an entry to the transition table. This makes it a part of the FSM design that other blocks should not interfere with. That’s why:

  • Goto events should be generated internally, i.e. by FSM’s own timers or entry actions.

  • Events sent to other blocks should be regular events.

Event conditions

Event conditions are optional functions which decide if a regular event (i.e. not Goto) will be accepted or rejected (ignored).

For every EVENT the corresponding function is named

  • cond_EVENT

    condition for accepting event EVENT

and may exist as:

  • a method defined in the class, and/or

  • an external callback defined in the instance with cond_EVENT=function keyword argument

cond_EVENT is called without arguments. Access to event data is provided through a context variable.

cond_EVENT should return a value. If it evaluates to boolean true, the EVENT will be processed. If it evaluates to boolean false, the EVENT will be ignored. When both a method and a function are defined, both must return true value to accept the event.

Another use of the cond_EVENT method (but not the external function) is that it may save the event data for later use.


# using the Turnstile class from prior example

enable = edzed.Input('inp_enable', comment="enable the turnstile", schema=bool, initdef=True)
Turnstile('t', cond_coin=lambda: enable.output)

State entry and exit actions

Optional functions acting as entry and exit actions have the names:

  • enter_STATE

    entry action for state STATE

  • exit_STATE

    exit action for state STATE

They are called when a STATE is entered and exited respectively.

The actions may be defined as:

  • methods in the class, and/or

  • external callbacks defined in the instance with a keyword argument

The functions are called without arguments. Access to event data is provided through a context variable. Note that event data for enter_STATE and exit_STATE are not the same, but belonging to two distinct events.

Access to event data


Read-only access to the current event data dict is provided through the fsm_event_data context variable.

You don’t have to be familiar with the context variables, just use this line:

data = edzed.fsm_event_data.get()

Chained state transitions

enter_STATE may call self.event() to schedule an immediate transition to the next state. Only one such call is permitted, in order to prevent any ambiguities. cond_EVENT and exit_STATE must not call self.event(), neither directly nor indirectly.

When an FSM was in S1 state, just entered S2 and the enter_S2 function calls self.event() to request a transition to S3, the intermediate S2 state calls its exit_S2 function (if any) immediately after returning from enter_S2 and then S3 state will be entered.

Notice that:

  • the output won’t be affected by S2

  • no S2 related events (on_enter_S2, on_exit_S2 and on_output for S2) will be sent

The reason why S2 will refrain from manifesting itself is that in an idealized circuit, S2 was valid for zero time. From an external view the S1 -> S2 -> S3 transition that took place looks like a straightforward S1 -> S3 transition.

For example the code shown in the next section makes use of the chained state transition feature. Look for the transition prepare_afterrun -> afterrun.

Additional internal state data

FSM.sdata: dict[str, Any]

In some cases the internal state consists of more values than just the current FSM state and the timer state. This additional data should be stored here as key=value pairs. All keys must be strings.

Because the FSM.sdata dict is by definition a part of the internal state, it is automatically saved and restored when the persistent state is turned on. Note that the underlying persistent data storage must be able to serialize the data types used in the FSM.sdata.

In the following example, the output is True between the start and stop events and also during the following after-run period. The after-run duration is calculated as a percentage of the regular run duration. The FSM.sdata is used to hold the timestamp necessary for the calculation:

class AfterRun(edzed.FSM):
    STATES = ['off', 'on', 'prepare_afterrun', 'afterrun']
    EVENTS = [
        ['start', ['off'], 'on'],
        ['stop', ['on'], 'prepare_afterrun'],
    TIMERS = {
        'afterrun': (None, edzed.Goto('off'))

    def enter_on(self):
        self.sdata['started'] = time.time()

    def enter_prepare_afterrun(self):
        duration = (time.time() - self.sdata.pop('started')) * (self.x_percentage / 100.0)
        self.event(edzed.Goto('afterrun'), duration=duration)

    def calc_output(self):
        return self.state != 'off'

AfterRun('ar', x_percentage=50)

A complete demo program can be found in the examples directory on github.


The output value is calculated in the FSM.calc_output() method which is called during a state transition after enter_STATE action and before on_enter_STATE and on_output events:

FSM.calc_output() Any

Return the block’s output value computed from the internal state data.

Return UNDEF to leave the output unchanged.

The default implementation returns the current FSM state (string).

Many FSMs communicate with events only. If you need an output, redefine this method.

Example (Timer)

Timer source:

class Timer(edzed.FSM):
    STATES = ('off', 'on')
    TIMERS = {
        'on': (fsm.INF_TIME, 'stop'),
        'off': (fsm.INF_TIME, 'start'),
    EVENTS = (
        ('start', None, 'on'),
        ('stop', None, 'off'),
        ('toggle', 'on', 'off'),
        ('toggle', 'off', 'on'),

    def __init__(self, *args, restartable=True, **kwargs):
        # for brevity 't_period' handling is not shown
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._restartable = bool(restartable)

    def cond_start(self):
        return self._restartable or self._state != 'on'

    def cond_stop(self):
        return self._restartable or self._state != 'off'

    def calc_output(self):
        return self._state == 'on'

Creating FSMs blocks

FSM parameters

Summary of parameters accepted as keyword arguments by classes derived from the FSM class.

'STATE' and 'EVENT' are placeholders to be substituted by real state and event names.

  • t_STATE=duration

    see: FSM.TIMERS

  • cond_EVENT=function

    see: Event conditions

  • enter_STATE=function

  • exit_STATE=function

    see: State entry and exit actions

  • on_enter_STATE=events

  • on_exit_STATE=events

  • on_notrans=events

    see: Generating FSM events

  • persistent=boolean (and related sync_state and expiration)

    make the internal state persistent, refer to SBlock

  • initdef=STATE

    initial state, default is the first state listed in FSM.STATES

  • on_output=events

  • debug=boolean

  • comment=str

  • x_NAME=anything

    common arguments documented in the base class Block

Generating FSM events

FSM instances may define events to be sent to other blocks.

The corresponding keyword arguments are:

  • on_enter_STATE and on_exit_STATE .

    These events are generated when a state STATE is entered and exited respectively. Exception: all events are suppressed for intermediate states, see Chained state transitions.

    Events are sent with these data items:

    • 'source': sender’s block name

    • 'trigger': either 'enter' or 'exit'

    • 'state': the FSM state just entered or exited

    • 'sdata': a shallow copy of FSM.sdata with private data items removed (private data are items with keys starting with an underscore).

    • 'value': the output value

  • on_notrans

    This event is sent when an event is not accepted. i.e. there is no transition defined for it in the current state.

    Events are sent with these data items:

    • 'source': sender’s block name

    • 'trigger': always 'notrans'

    • 'state': the current FSM state

    • 'event': the not accepted event

Other event data items may be added in the future.

FSM Initialization rules

During initialization, i.e. when the very first state is entered:

  • exit_STATE is not executed, because there is no STATE to exit.

  • cond_EVENT is not executed, because the first state needs to be entered unconditionally.

  • enter_STATE and on_enter_STATE are executed except when initializing from saved (persistent) state. Initialization from persistent state is considered a restoration of a state that was already entered in the past. This behavior is in-line with the main purpose of state persistence which is to allow for seamless continuation after a restart.