
edzed is a Python asyncio based library for building automated systems, i.e. systems that control outputs according to input values, system’s internal state, date and time.

The automated system in edzed is called a circuit, because it is built by interconnecting provided basic blocks, almost like an electronic circuit. edzed was indeed developed on principles of a circuit simulation for an idealized digital circuit.


Designing control circuits for edzed requires some experience with logical circuits. Unfortunately this topic is beyond he scope of this document.

The edzed code in an application is naturally divided into two main parts:

  • assemble a circuit from individual blocks

  • run the simulation task and optional supporting tasks

Being a library means there is no function out of the box. In order to create an usable system, the developer needs to:

  • create a circuit

  • connect edzed inputs with data sources

  • connect edzed outputs with controlled devices

Connecting with the outside world

Connecting outputs

The developer should provide a custom function (may be asynchronous) for each type of controlled output device. The circuit’s output block for that device will invoke the function each time it receives a new value.

For simple testing and learning often a simple print statement will do. This is what we use in our examples.

Connecting inputs

In general, there are two data flow models called pull and push.

  1. Pull - The input block actively polls for the input data. For example it reads data from a sensor in some intervals. The developer should provide a custom function (may be asynchronous) for each type of input device connected this way.

  2. Push - The input block reacts to incoming events or requests. This is the most common case and it requires a supporting asynchronous task acting as an interface between one or more external systems and the circuit. The application developer should provide an async coroutine that will be run together with the circuit simulation. This supporting task usually consists of a loop that:

  • listens for an incoming event or request, for instance on a network socket or on the command line like the included CLI demo tool, etc.,

  • performs checks and preprocessing as required by the particular application

  • if the event is accepted, forwards it to the circuit and returns the reply (a result value or an error message)

The supporting task may also handle monitoring or supervising of the circuit, like retrieving the internal state, turning debugging on/off, updating time schedules, shutting down, etc. Multiple supporting tasks may exist, if necessary.


“Hello, world!”

The examples below show I/O techniques mentioned in the previous section. In order to produce simple working examples, we have to mock input data sources and use print statements instead of real outputs.

The source codes can be found in the examples directory on github. Of course, you can also cut and paste the code from this web page to a file.

Run with: python3, press the ctrl-C key to terminate.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the details, edzed comes with a comprehensive documentation.

Example 1: no inputs

No block in this example reads external input data. The activity is entirely based on date and time. No special input handling code is required for this case, of course.

Simply print “tick/tock” (the clock sound) in 1 second pace:

import asyncio
import edzed

    'clk', comment="clock generator",
    t_period=1.0, on_output=edzed.Event('out'))

def output_print(value):
    if value:
        print('tick..', end='', flush=True)

    'out', func=output_print, on_error=None)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Press ctrl-C to stop\n')

Example 2: polling a sensor

In this thermostat example a readout from a sensor is made in regular intervals, i.e. the data is pulled into the circuit:

import asyncio
import random
import edzed

def input_temperature():
    """Fake room thermometer (Celsius scale)."""
    t = random.uniform(20.0, 28.0)
    return t

def output_heater(hot):
    if hot:
        print(" T >= 24 °C, heater off")
        print(" T < 22 °C, heater on")

    func=input_temperature, interval=1.5)

    low=22.0, high=24.0, on_output=edzed.Event('heater')

    func=output_heater, on_error=None)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Press ctrl-C to stop\n')

Example 3: with a supporting task

In the final example, an external system pushes its data to the circuit. The circuit itself is not shown. A basic skeleton of a supporting task could look like this:

# warning: pseudo-code!
async def my_interface():
    conn = control_connection   # e.g. a network socket
    circuit = edzed.get_circuit()
    while True:
        inp = await conn.read_request()
            cmd = parse(inp)
            if is_event(cmd):
                # pass an external event to the circuit
                event = edzed.ExtEvent(cmd.block, cmd.event)
                result = event.send('control_connection', **
            elif is_query(cmd):
                # query a circuit block (debugging, monitoring, ...)
                blk = circuit.findblock(cmd.block)
                # get the requested information using functions like
                # blk.get_state(), blk.get_conf(), blk.output, etc.
                result = ...
            elif is_control_command(cmd)
                # control the circuit using functions like
                # circuit.set_debug(), circuit.shutdown(), etc.
                result = ...
                raise ValueError("Incorrect input")
        except Exception as exc:
            await conn.reply_with_error(exc)
            await conn.reply_with_result(result)

The application consists of the simulator and the supporting task. Both must be started with:

if __name__ == '__main__':

CLI demo tool

A simple interactive command line demo tool is provided in the package. Input values can be entered from keyboard, state changes are printed to the screen. It allows you to test edzed to some extent without writing own applications.

To use this tool, import edzed.demo and run the simulation with cli_repl().


Use the demo tool only for testing at the command line and nothing else. The code contains eval <user-input>. Such code is dangerous if the input is coming from a malicious user.

async edzed.demo.cli_repl(setup_logging: bool = True)

Command line utility for interacting with a circuit. Use it as a supporting coroutine in, see the examples below. (REPL stands for: read-evaluate-print loop)

Unless setup_logging is false, logging is configured with logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) to display messages of all levels including DEBUG.

Let’s test this turnstile. It allows one person to pass by pushing it, but only if it was unlocked with a coin. It does not allow to pass twice nor to pay twice:

import asyncio
import edzed
from edzed.demo import cli_repl

class Turnstile(edzed.FSM):
    STATES = ['locked', 'unlocked']
    EVENTS = [
        ['coin', ['locked'], 'unlocked'],
        ['push', ['unlocked'], 'locked'],

Turnstile('ts', comment="example turnstile")

if __name__ == '__main__':
To send a 'push' or 'coin' event to the turnstile 'ts',
use the e[vent] command:
    e ts push
    e ts coin

Below is a sample output. We will send some events, observe the responses:

  • event() responds with True to accepted events and False to rejected events

  • if an event is accepted, the state changes between 'locked' and 'unlocked'; ignore the None and {} in the state for now.

  • the block’s output is always False, you may ignore it too

$ python3

--- edzed 1> help
Control commands:
    h[elp] or ?                 -- show this help
    eval <python_expression>
Circuit evaluation commands:
  Debug messages:
    a[debug] 1|0                -- all blocks' debug messages on|off
    b[debug] <blockname> 1|0    -- block's debug messages on|off
    c[debug] 1|0                -- circuit simulator's debug messages on|off
    e[vent] <blockname> <type> [{'name':value, ...}]
                                -- send event
    p[ut] <blockname> <value>   -- send 'put' event
    l[ist]                      -- list all blocks
    i[nfo] <blockname>          -- print block's properties
    s[how] <blockname>          -- print current state and output
Command history:
    !?                          -- print history
    !N                          -- repeat command N (integer)
    !-N                         -- repeat command current minus N
    !!                          -- repeat last command (same as !-1)

--- edzed 2> e ts push
event() returned: False
output: False
state: ('locked', None, {})
--- edzed 3> e ts coin
event() returned: True
output: False
state: ('unlocked', None, {})
--- edzed 4> e ts push
event() returned: True
output: False
state: ('locked', None, {})
--- edzed 5> e ts coin
event() returned: True
output: False
state: ('unlocked', None, {})
--- edzed 6> e ts coin
event() returned: False
output: False
state: ('unlocked', None, {})
--- edzed 7> e ts push
event() returned: True
output: False
state: ('locked', None, {})
--- edzed 8>

The final example shows the same turnstile enhanced with two counters. Let’s briefly explain how it works. The turnstile FSM is instructed to generate these events:

  • on_enter_unlocked=Event('cnt2', 'inc')

    i.e. when the 'unlocked' state is entered, send an Event named 'inc' (for increment) to the block cnt2.

    In the definition of the Counter cnt2 we see, that it sends another Event to an unnamed OutputFunc block on each output value change (on_output). The event name is omitted, it defaults to 'put'. This output block prints the number of coins paid to unlock, that is what the cnt2 block counts.

  • on_notrans=Event('cnt1', 'inc', efilter=push_locked_filter)

    i.e. when no transition is defined for an event with respect to the current state, send an increment Event to the block cnt1 through an event filter.

    The cnt1 Counter prints the attempts to push a locked turnstile, but that is not the only no-transition event that can happen (the other one is trying to pay a coin to an already unlocked turnstile). We need to check, whether the event satisfy a condition. The event filter function push_locked_filter is responsible for that. It analyzes the data carried with the event and returns a yes or no verdict whether the event is allowed to be delivered.

We recommend to run this example with block debug messages turned on (command adebug 1 or just a 1).

import asyncio
import edzed
from edzed.demo import cli_repl

class Turnstile(edzed.FSM):
    STATES = ['locked', 'unlocked']
    EVENTS = [
        ['coin', ['locked'], 'unlocked'],
        ['push', ['unlocked'], 'locked'],

def p_locked(cnt):
    print(f"[ attempts to push a locked turnstile: {cnt} ]")

    on_output=edzed.Event(edzed.OutputFunc(None, func=p_locked, on_error=None)))

def p_coins(cnt):
    print(f"[ coins paid: {cnt} ]")

    on_output=edzed.Event(edzed.OutputFunc(None, func=p_coins, on_error=None)))

def push_locked_filter(data):
    return data['event'] == 'push' and data['state'] == 'locked'

    'ts', comment="example turnstile",
    on_notrans=edzed.Event('cnt1', 'inc', efilter=push_locked_filter),
    on_enter_unlocked=edzed.Event('cnt2', 'inc'),

if __name__ == '__main__':
To send a 'push' or 'coin' event to the turnstile 'ts',
use the e[vent] command:
    e ts push
    e ts coin