.. currentmodule:: edzed ========= Changelog ========= Version numbers are based on the release date (Y.M.D). 24.3.4 ====== - Improve :ref:`time/date intervals`: - Accept microseconds in time specifications. However, a microsecond precision cannot be expected from an asyncio based Python program. - Accept ISO 8601 time/date strings. (This feature is based based on Python's support of ISO formats which was quite limited in versions prior to 3.11.) - Introduce new endpoint separator and interval delimiter in order to solve ambiguities. The old syntax remains supported. - Rewrite time/date related functions using the standard `datetime `_ module wherever possible. - Rewrite the :ref:`cron internal service `. An issue with the schedule reload was found and fixed during the rewrite. - Enhance the support for :ref:`durations with units